• Y. Khariton - Supervisor of Studies for the program of atomic and hydrogen shield, Lenin Prize winner no (1) in 1957, threefold State Laureate and Hero.
  • I. Petryanov-Sokolov - Supervisor of Studies program in Biosystems, Lenin Prize winner, State Prizes Laureate and Hero.
  • N. Evtikiev - Founder of optical methods of information processing, International and State Prize Laureate and Hero.
  • E. Evreinov - Lenin Prize winner no (2) in 1957, winner of International Prizes, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Founder of new research field of distributed information treatment.
  • A. Savin - Supervisor of the outer space defense research, fouresome State Prize winner.
  • K. Frolov - Vice President of the Russian Academy of Sciences, winner of Lenin Prize, State Prize winner and Hero.