Meetings, Visits and Public Relations


One of the important goals of the IIA is to organize for its members and partners meetings with outstanding people, high officials and public figures.

These meetings give the IIA members and partners a chance to present their ideas, products, services,… etc. and also give the high officials and public figures an opportunity to present their countries, regions and areas.

It is a great way for open communication, information exchange and discussions of scientific, technical, business, legal and other matters.

It is one of the privileges of the IIA members and partners and, sometime, the only way for handling the unique contacts, introductions and first - hand information.

These meetings include reports on new works, signing contracts of new projects (between companies, organizations and governments), update and review a progress in important areas of research and application, lively discussions between parties proposing new projects.

Since it was established, the IIA's Montreal Headquarters has organized and participated in a number of important meetings and visits